From: Glen Cram
To: Rick Santorum
Subject: Job application
Mr Santorum,
Having read with interest your interpretation of God’s instructions to Adam regarding his rights and responsibilities vis-a-vis the Earth, I would like to offer my services as steward to the Santorum household. If hired I will, to the best of my abilities, undertake to perform the following duties:
- Poison your flowerbeds
- Shit in your water supply
- Slaughter your pets
- Stink up your air with secondhand smoke
- Strip all your material assets and turn them into worthless junk
- Squander your fuel by turning up the thermostat to unbearable levels
- Use all your food to run my car
- Enslave the other members of your staff to accomplish the above and make myself rich
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to doing for you what you have so kindly offered to do for the nation and the world!